Home > ÇÁ·Îƾ½ºÅ°¸Ó > Skimz SH2 Protein Skimmer |
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Á¦Ç°¸í | : | Skimz SH2 Protein Skimmer  | |
Á¦Á¶È¸»ç | : | SKIMZ | |
Àç°í¼ö·® | : | 10 | |
ÆǸżö·® | : | 10 | |
½ÃÁß°¡°Ý | : | 0 ¿ø | |
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý | : | 220,000 ¿ø | |
¹è¼Û°¡ÁßÄ¡ | : | 20.00 | |
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Skimz SH2 Protein Skimmer is a nano skimmer designed to hang on the back of aquarium or sump. Skimz SH2 require a small pump to drive the water flow into the skimmer. SH2 features a sliding collection cup by adjusting the o-ring for perfect setting.
SH2 is a true nano skimmer aimed at smaller aquariums and it will keep that water clean.
L150 x D95 x H420 mm
Pump: È÷µµ¸ðÅÍ
Air Intake:
60 L/h
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For Aquariums:
up to 200 litres
Designed to hang on the back of aquarium or sump
CLICK HERE for Quick Installation Guide
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