Home > ÇÁ·Îƾ½ºÅ°¸Ó > Skimz Skimz QuietPro 2.0 DC Pump 147½ºÅ°¸Ó |
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Á¦Ç°¸í | : | Skimz Skimz QuietPro 2.0 DC Pump 147½ºÅ°¸Ó  | |
Á¦Á¶È¸»ç | : | Skimz | |
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ÆǸŰ¡°Ý | : | 345,000 ¿ø | |
¹è¼Û°¡ÁßÄ¡ | : | 100.00 | |
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DC 220V 60HZ
Skimz SN147 Mini Protein Skimmer features the second smallest DC needlewheel pump and has a small footprint that is great for hobbyists who have small sumps. SN143 draws an air intake of 660 litres per hour and is suitable for aquariums up to 900 litres.
Dimension:L188 x D196 x H490 (mm)
Skimmer Body Diameter:140 mm
Pump:Skimz VSC2000 DC
Air Intake:240 – 660 L/h
Total Watts:9 – 18W (µðÁöÅÐ ½ºÇǵå Á¶Àý ÄÜÆ®·Ñ·¯ ³»Àå)
For Aquarium:ÃÖ´ë¿ë·® 900L
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