Home > û¼Ò¿ëÇ°/¶ôÁý°Ô/½ºÅ©·¹ÆÛ/ÀÚ¼®´ÛÀÌ/Àå°© > Mag-Float / Floating Glass-Aquarium Cleaners samll |
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Á¦Ç°¸í | : | Mag-Float / Floating Glass-Aquarium Cleaners samll  | |
Á¦Á¶È¸»ç | : | | |
Àç°í¼ö·® | : | 10 | |
ÆǸżö·® | : | 0 | |
½ÃÁß°¡°Ý | : | 0 ¿ø | |
ÆǸŰ¡°Ý | : | 12,000 ¿ø | |
¹è¼Û°¡ÁßÄ¡ | : | 10.00 | |
°í°´Æò°¡ | : | (Âü°¡¼ö:0) | |
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Recommend to be used on aquariums up to 30 gallons with a surface thickness up to 3/16¡±
Product dimensions: (2 3/8¡± x 1 3/8¡± x 1¡±)
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