Home > ÇÁ·Îƾ½ºÅ°¸Ó > ·¹µåµ¥ºô ÄÜ ½ºÅ°¸Ó RDC - 850 13W 220V60HZ |
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Á¦Ç°¸í | : | ·¹µåµ¥ºô ÄÜ ½ºÅ°¸Ó RDC - 850 13W 220V60HZ  | |
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RDC 850
Product specificatio
Item No.: RDC 850
Skimmer type: Internal type
Size(diameter MM):150/510
Pump£ºRed Devil SP3
Total Air intake: Max 900L/H
Max. size of the tank (L):850
Recommended tank size: 350-850L
Footprint (MM): 240/170
Marine Sources Super Devil Pro (SDP) skimmer series feature
1 New cone transition design
2 Bubble plate (less turbulence)
3 Powered by Devil SP3 pinwheel pump (Max up to 700L/H of air intake)
4 13 W of low power consumption)
5 Smooth-twist collection cup
6 Easy removable and quiet silencers
7 Draining plug and draining tube are available for collection cup.
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